Asset Metadata

How to add your token info

To add asset metadata on mintscan.


‼️ Please note that tokens of Testnets and unverified networks may not be merged to master.

  1. Fork this repo to your own github account

  2. Clone fork and create new branch

    git clone
    cd chainlist
    git branch <branch_name>
    git checkout <branch_name>
  3. Add the info of your token in the chain that your token needs to be displayed

  • Common info to fill

    denomToken's denom.
    typeType of the token:
    - staking: Native staking token of a chain.
    - native: Native token issued on a chain, not the staking token.
    - ibc: Token transferred via IBC.
    - pool: Token representing a liquidity pool.
    - bridge: Token bridged from another network.
    - cw20: CW20 token type.
    - erc20: ERC20 token type.
    origin_chainThe origin chain where this token was issued.
    origin_denomOriginal denom of the token.
    origin_typeOriginal type of the token (staking, native, pool, ibc, bridge, cw20, erc20).
    symbolDisplayed name of the token in the list.
    decimalsToken's decimals.
    imageImage route of the token (optional).
    Place image in ${targetchain}/asset folder. Ensure it's a png file.
    coinGeckoIdCoinGecko site's API ID. Leave empty if none.
  • If the type is staking, provide the info below

    descriptionA brief summary of the token
  • If the type is ibc, provide the info below:

    enabletrue if IBC transmission is possible (optional).
    channelToken's IBC channel (optional).
    portToken's IBC port (optional).
    Add the token's channel and port.
    counter_partyCounter party's IBC channel and port (optional).
    - channel.
    - port.
    - denom: Token's denom before IBC transfer.
    pathPath of token transfer (optional).
    Provide full details if transferred via IBC, bridge, or other path.
    pathPath details for bridge tokens (optional).
    Provide details if transferred via IBC, bridge, or other path.
    contractContract address for token transfer via contract (optional).

  • Native Token /assets/v2/${chain}/assets.json

    // example OSMOSIS
        "denom": "uosmo",
        "type": "staking",
        "origin_chain": "osmosis",
        "origin_denom": "uosmo",
        "origin_type": "staking",
        "symbol": "OSMO",
        "decimals": 6,
        "description": "Osmosis Staking Coin",
        "image": "osmosis/asset/osmo.png",
        "coinGeckoId": "osmosis"
        "denom": "uion",
        "type": "native",
        "origin_chain": "osmosis",
        "origin_denom": "uion",
        "origin_type": "native",
        "symbol": "ION",
        "decimals": 6,
        "description": "Native Coin",
        "image": "osmosis/asset/ion.png",
        "coinGeckoId": "ion"
      // example KUJIRA
        "denom": "factory/kujira1qk00h5atutpsv900x202pxx42npjr9thg58dnqpa72f2p7m2luase444a7/uusk",
        "type": "native",
        "origin_chain": "kujira",
        "origin_denom": "factory/kujira1qk00h5atutpsv900x202pxx42npjr9thg58dnqpa72f2p7m2luase444a7/uusk",
        "origin_type": "native",
        "symbol": "USK",
        "decimals": 6,
        "description": "USK Stable Asset",
        "image": "kujira/asset/usk.png",
        "coinGeckoId": "usk"
  • IBC Token

      // example COSMOS
        "denom": "ibc/14F9BC3E44B8A9C1BE1FB08980FAB87034C9905EF17CF2F5008FC085218811CC",
        "type": "ibc",
        "origin_chain": "osmosis",
        "origin_denom": "uosmo",
        "origin_type": "staking",
        "symbol": "OSMO",
        "decimals": 6,
        "enable": true,
        "path": "osmosis>cosmos",
        "channel": "channel-141",
        "port": "transfer",
        "counter_party": {
          "channel": "channel-0",
          "port": "transfer",
          "denom": "uosmo"
        "image": "osmosis/asset/osmo.png", // Set image route for base_denom
        "coinGeckoId": "osmosis"
      // example IRIS
        "denom": "ibc/E244B968EE0D1EC047E7516F6ABECE7B68E9FD93B4BD8D08D13642247416BB17",
        "type": "ibc",
        "origin_denom": "weth",
        "origin_type": "erc20",
        "symbol": "WETH",
        "origin_chain": "ethereum",
        "decimals": 18,
        "enable": true,
        "path": "ethereum>gravity-bridge>iris",
        "channel": "channel-29",
        "port": "transfer",
        "counter_party": {
          "channel": "channel-47",
          "port": "transfer",
          "denom": "gravity0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2"
        "image": "ethereum/asset/weth.png", // Set image route for base_denom
        "coinGeckoId": "weth",
        "contract": "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2"
  • Bridge Token

      // example GRAVITY-BRIDGE
        "denom": "gravity0x2260fac5e5542a773aa44fbcfedf7c193bc2c599",
        "type": "bridge",
        "origin_chain": "ethereum",
        "origin_denom": "wbtc",
        "origin_type": "erc20",
        "symbol": "WBTC",
        "decimals": 8,
        "path": "ethereum>gravity-bridge",
        "image": "ethereum/asset/wbtc.png",
        "coinGeckoId": "wrapped-bitcoin",
        "contract": "0x2260fac5e5542a773aa44fbcfedf7c193bc2c599"
      // example IRIS
        "denom": "htltbcbusd",
        "type": "bridge",
        "origin_chain": "bnb-beacon-chain",
        "origin_denom": "busd",
        "origin_type": "bep2",
        "symbol": "BUSD",
        "decimals": 8,
        "path": "bnb-beacon-chain>iris",
        "image": "bnb-beacon-chain/asset/busd.png",
        "coinGeckoId": "binance-usd"
  • Pool Token

    // example COSMOS
        "denom": "poolDFB8434D5A80B4EAFA94B6878BD5B85265AC6C5D37204AB899B1C3C52543DA7E",
        "type": "pool",
        "origin_chain": "cosmos",
        "origin_denom": "poolDFB8434D5A80B4EAFA94B6878BD5B85265AC6C5D37204AB899B1C3C52543DA7E",
        "origin_type": "pool",
        "symbol": "GDEX-1",
        "decimals": 6,
        "description": "pool/1",
        "image": "cosmos/asset/pool.png", // Add pool image in the target chain’s folder
        "coinGeckoId": ""
  1. Commit and push to your fork

    git add -A
    git commit -m “Add <YOUR TOKEN NAME>
    git push origin <branch_name>
  2. From your repository, make pull request (PR)